Name - Font name.
Style - Whether the font is regular or italic.
Weight - The font weight should be stated at the font's source. If the font only has one weight, choose normal.
As well as access to our extensive built-in font system, DPG allows you to upload your own custom fonts to use on your websites.
To use a custom font you'll need to supply it in all of the following file types:
You can also include an optional .svg file. The .svg is no longer required by most modern operating systems, but can help some older machines render your font correctly, so include it if possible.
You may need to convert your font to the required file types. There are a number of online services to do that, such as Font Squirrel and Everything Fonts.
From the website screen, go to Fonts, then Your fonts. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the page. Add the required font files and fill in the information (see below), then click OK.
Custom fonts are attached to websites. If you need to rebuild your site, you can easily export your fonts in the correct formats to be uploaded to another DPG website.