Checkout - Options

The checkout page allows you to choose whether some of the fields are visible to customers.

Checkout page

From the website screen go to Pages and click the Edit button.

On the checkout page toggle the switch for your chosen options and click Update.


Enabling Discount codes allows customers to enter a discount code at checkout. Make sure you have created a discount code in your account.

The discount code field at checkout.


Enabling the notes field allows customers to leave notes about their order at checkout. You can see customer notes on the order page and on order confirmation emails.

The notes field at checkout.

Enabling Consent adds a checkbox field that the customer must tick before they can proceed to payment. This can be used to make sure that your customer has read and understood terms and conditions or other information.

If consent is enabled, you must enter a URL to an existing page where customers can read more.

The consent opt-in checkbox at checkout.