Keywords - Basics

Keywords are a very powerful tool to help you organise your images in DPG.

In this article

Adding keywords

There are multiple places that keywords can be added:

On the image upload screen, above.

On the image review screen, above.

Keywords can be added in batches in image list view, above.

Keywords can be added in your image editing software and imported by using the Get details from image metadata option on the image upload screen in DPG, above.

You can add more than one keyword at a time by separating keywords with commas or semi-colons:

Bride, Groom, Wedding, Dress

You can use emoji characters in your keywords ✌️.

Viewing all keywords

You can view all keywords on the keywords screen.

Viewing keywords for images in a set

You can also view just the keywords in a certain set.

Removing keywords from an image

You can remove keywords from a single image on the review screen.

You can also batch remove by visiting the keywords screen choosing a keyword, selecting all the images you would like to remove it from and clicking Remove in the Remove keyword panel.

Batch editing or renaming keywords

You can rename a keyword once it's already applied to images.

Go to Images > Keywords from the main navigation. Choose the keyword to edit and click on it. Select all the images inside the keyword, then in the Edit keyword panel make changes to the keyword and click Update.