Products - Creating products
To sell items using a DPG shop you need to create products. A product includes all the information your customer will see on the product page, such as the name, description and cost.
A product can have multiple product options which allow you to offer customers variations of items. Options can be things like different sizes, colours or styles of the product and appear on the product page as a dropdown menu.
Creating products
From the Dashboard go to Sales and the Products tab. Click the Create button to bring up the New product window. Fill in the applicable information for your product and click Create.Repeat the process for each product you want to add to your shop.
To add images see: Product images
Products: in detail
Read on for an explanation of each element of the product window and how it appears to the customer on the product page.
Product Information

Name - product name which shows on sales page and in the cart.
Description - describe your product in more detail and provide customers with all the information they need to know about the item.
Use the code button (left) to add HTML such as links to the description. Use the fullscreen button (right) to view the text area full screen.
Product Options

Name - this is the text that shows in the dropdown on the product page if you have more than one product option.
Currency - select the currency for this product.
Cost - enter the price of the product or product option.
Discount - optionally add a percentage discount to the product. The discount is automatically calculated from the product cost, with the original price, the discounted price and the difference displayed on the product page.
Status - The status of the product affects the ability of customers to add the item to their cart and purchase it. In stock is the default status and the customer can add the item to cart and check out as normal. Out of stock means that the item is not available and cannot be added to cart. Coming soon items also cannot be purchased. Pre-order means that the item can be added to cart and purchased, but you should use the description or additional information to define the terms of the pre-order for your customers.
Ship - Whether the item is to be shipped. Make sure this is toggled to the on position for all physical goods that need to be sent to your customer. Toggle the switch to the off position for items that don't require customer shipping information at checkout, such as digital goods or services.
Track - Switch the Track toggle to the on position to track inventory. The number of items sold will count down from the Quantity amount until the product becomes Sold Out automatically.
Quantity - if tracking inventory, enter the number of items available.
Click Add product option to create another option with different settings.
Additional Information

Name - this is the part of the additional information text that is visible before the panel is open.
Details - this is the part of the text which becomes visible when the name is clicked.
Click Remove to delete this information block.
Click Add information to create another information block. You can add multiple information blocks as part of the same product.