DPG Preparation - Configuring users
Once you've added users to the account, you can configure their accounts to best take advantage of DPG's various features.
For events, there are usually two types of users:
- photographers or other content creators who upload content. These will usually be Users.
- editors, administrators, technical support staff and other internal users with permissions to access the entire account. These will usually be Admins.
Creating metadata profiles for photographers
Photographers uploading content into the gallery will need a metadata profile. This allows you to enter their contact and copyright information and will be attached to their uploaded images, and used for credits and statistics.
You should create a metadata profile for each user from the admin upload screen.
Configuring users
Once you've added users to your event account and created metadata profiles for them, you should now set up the defaults for each user.
User defaults
To make it easy for your photographers to upload their images to the correct place, you can bond them to specific sets. You can also add constant keywords which pull in useful information from their metadata.
In the Users tab you can see all the users added to the account. Find the relevant user and select their metadata profile from the dropdown menu. To avoid confusion when users are uploading images you can bond any user to one or more sets, so they never have to choose where images should go. To select multiple sets see our article on keyboard shortcuts. Turn on Read metadata.- Lock uploads to - prevents user from choosing any other sets on upload.
- Restrict adding to - prevents user from adding uploaded images to any other sets once they're in the system.
Constant keywords
You can also add 'Constant keywords' which will be added to each upload automatically.
Here are some sample constant keywords, you can adjust as you wish:
festival:Port Eliot Festival 2019, photographer:<% Creator %>, day:<% Day %>
Suggested user configuration